Nobel Prize
The will of the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel established the prizes . The prizes in Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics and Physiology or Medicine were first awarded in 1901.
The prize ceremonies take place annually in Stockholm, Sweden (with the exception of the peace prize, which is held in Oslo, Norway)
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel; the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize in Literature; and the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded not by a Swedish organisation but by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
Noble Prize In Physics 2017
Kip Thorne, Rainer Weiss and Barry Barish
Noble Prize In Physiology or Medicine 2017
Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young