Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Current affair 3 january

Ganga - 370 crore has approved by central government for its ongoing project Ganga rejuvenation programme in Haridwar and Varanasi and decided to include six more cities under surface cleaning exercise of the river using trash skimmer .

Agni-IV - DRDO on Monday successfully test fired the nuclear capable Agni-IV  ballistic missile off the Odisha cost. it is surface to surface ballistic missile carried one-tone payload to a distance of 4000 km 

Operation Sard Hawa - the border security force (BSF) will launch an intensive patrolling campaign called 'Operation Alert Sard Hawa' at the border areas.

Death - Maharashtra is number one on untimely dead followed by   madhya prades and then after up 
         Up on top position on road accidents dead 

Indian Science Congress - PM Modi inaugurated the 104th india science congress at Sri Venkateswara university in  tirupati in AP. The theme of the five day event is Science and Technology for national development.

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